Thursday, 18 July 2013

Smith Wigglesworth's Prophecy of 1947

Peter Kirk has been looking for the date and source of the 1947 prophecy of Smith Wigglesworth that spoke of a coming great revival when the Church embraces the Word and Spirit. See:

He writes a couple of years later in the same thread - 13 March 2013 "I just received a newsletter which quotes this prophecy, in abbreviated form, with the reference “George Stormont: Wigglesworth – a man who walked with God, 1989, p.114″. According to the book description quoted at, Stormont was “a personal friend of Smith Wigglesworth”. Further research led me to the relevant page of Stormont’s book at Google Books, in fact p.123 in this edition. The full prophecy is not given in this book, so this cannot be the original source. I wonder if the full prophecy comes from Stormont’s series of tapes ‘SPIRITUAL SECRETS OF THE MAN WHO WALKED WITH GOD – SMITH WIGGLESWORTH.’"

According to George Stormont the prophecy was given a week before his death at a week long crusade and involved two moves of God. The first move involved an emphasis on the work of the Spirit, the second on the Word of God. When these two moves come together there shall be '...the greatest move the Church of Jesus Christ has ever seen.'

We could at this point ask what it means to be commited to the Word of God. Christian Zionists and those who hold to Covenantal theology disagree about certain things in relation to the Church and Israel, as do Christians over the question of creation versus evolution. Perhaps we need to start a debate about what it means to have an emphasis on the Word of God, and what intepretation of Scripture is necessary. 

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