Monday, 4 August 2014

Christopher Booker has been deleted from the Sunday Telegraph....

Christopher Booker has been deleted from the Sunday Telegraph....personally I would disagree with some of his theology, but what is the reason for this? You decide...

Friday, 18 July 2014

Manipulating sentiment as a pretext for war...?

This Jewish news comment suggests the Israeli government knew the teenagers were dead, but covered it up to move sentiment towards a war in Gaza....

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Palestinians suffering in Syria

We hear about the suffering of Palestinians in the Holy Land by those opposed to Zionism. There is a campaign to undermine the Israeli economy in order to force a peace settlement (BDS). But we ought to be even-handed and speak out against the suffering of Palestinians in Arab and Muslim lands. Syria, an ally of Iran, has used barrel bombs against civilians and now is using starvation as a weapon against the Palestinians in a refugee camp.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Bob Roberts - Gospel of the Kingdom and loving our enemies

Bob Roberts has been criticised for meeting muslims and speaking at the Christ at the Checkpoint conference. But it is worth hearing his message before judging him.